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How to Measure the Impact of Your Corporate Fitness Program

How to Measure the Impact of Your Corporate Fitness Program

  • Improving Employee Health: decreasing sick days and improving overall well-being.
  • Boosting Productivity: increasing focus, efficiency, and output.
  • Enhancing Morale: assisting in making the environment at the place of work favorable and improving job satisfaction.
  • Reducing Healthcare Costs: use fewer dollars on health insurance premium expenses and medical claims.

Defining these objectives will guide your approach to measurement and ensure that you focus on relevant metrics.

  • Attendance Records: The amount of employees utilizing the fitness classes, workshops, or use of on-site gym facilities.
  • Survey Responses: An employee survey querying participation activity and interest in the program
  • Absenteeism Rates: Track any alterations in absenteeism rates both pre and post implementing the program. A decrease in this rate can be indicative of better health.
  • Biometric Screenings: conduct regular health screenings. As a follow-up, monitor any changes in major health-related numbers such as BMI, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels from baseline.
  • Employee Surveys: gather surveys from employees in terms of changes they experience in their overall health and physical well-being.
  • Performance Metrics: Use productivity metrics such as project completion rates, sales figures, among other performance metrics.
  • Employee Feedback: Surveys or direct interviews could help you understand the efficiency of the program in work performance as perceived through the employees’ eyes.
  • Quality of Work: Determine if quality of work, creativity, or problem-solving skills have increased.
  • Surveys: Periodic surveys could be conducted to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the program in impacting employee job satisfaction and overall happiness.
  • Focus Groups: These can be organized to understand what employees have to say about the fitness program in more detail.
  • Retention Rates: Employee retention numbers could be followed to watch for changes. Increased satisfaction may be demonstrated as increased retention rates.
  • Follow changes in the area of healthcare through employee claim expenses and insurance premium expenses. A decline in these costs indicates better health of your workforce.
  • Quantify any related cost avoidance through increased productivity and reduced absenteeism.
  • Program Costs: Determine the overall operating costs associated with the implementation of the fitness program along with the respective return of investment.
  • SOURCES Benchmark your corporate fitness program against industry standards.
  • FEER TO PEER Collaborate with your industry peers who also have corporate fitness programs but of other business houses, not your competitor.